Alfresco study materials

Ngày đăng: 1/18/2021 6:00:05 PM - Tìm đối tác - Toàn Quốc - 11
Chi tiết [Mã tin: 3185522] - Cập nhật: 53 phút trước

And performancetuning enterprise-scale application platforms, as well as designing and implementing user interfaces based on innovative technology. Kevin is also a contributor to various open source projects. ABOUT THE ALFRESCO PROJECT EDITOR BRIANA WHERRY, the Alfresco Information manager, has spent the past 20 years specializing in building new teams, designing processes, and embracing new technologies to deliver innovative documentation solutions to a global audience. Briana has a long working history with the changing face of technical writing, starting out her career with SGML, moving to HTML, and mostly recently adopting DITA. When Briana joined Alfresco in 2007, she was faced with the double challenge of building a new team and implementing DITA in an agile, open source Alfresco Study Materials development environment. Briana is a senior member of the Society for Technical Communication (STC), and a member of the OASIS DITA Adoption Committee. ABOUT THE TECHNICAL EDITOR DR. PAUL HOLMES-HIGGIN is VP of Engineering, with responsibility for managing Alfresco’s research and development team and ensuring both innovation and quality are delivered in Alfresco’s software. Paul has over 20 years of experience managing teams in collaborative research and development, both in open source and proprietary software organizations. 

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