Alice's travels in china

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When he heard the man say that he had no money, he sympathized with him and asked him why he had no money. Who knows? "Then you know a little more about it than I do." When the man heard what Mr. Nuoxi said, he slowly thought about the reason why he was so poor. If you don't mention it, it seems that you have forgotten why you are poor. However, what he remembered was still not clear. He said that first he had money, he was able to buy food with that money, and then when the money ran out, no one sent him food. Why don't you find something to do? "Yes." He remembered looking for trouble everywhere he went. Don't let me do it at all. I heard them say that I could eat in the place where the soldiers were recruited, so I went there. I ate the meal, but when I got there, I was not wanted after the battle. I went to work in a factory run by a foreigner, but when I arrived, I was not wanted. I went around asking people to give me something to do, and they were all generous enough to give me something to do at once, but there was no food for me. I asked people where they could eat, and they said that if you had money, you could eat anywhere. I asked them what they could do to get money, and they told me many ways, such as being a manager, a general manager, a teacher,Magnesium Nitrate Fertilizer, and so on. Lots and lots. But I asked them to make me a manager, and they wouldn't. I said, then be a little smaller and give me a teacher. (I can read and read.) They don't want to. I also saw that they had dogs and birds at home, so I said, "Let me be a dog, OK?"? They laugh. Sir, I have to beg for food in this way. Begging for food is a convenient thing. I don't know whether your husband believes it or not? I begged for two years-or twelve, I don't remember, but during that time I felt better than being a soldier. Thanks to those lords, if you shout twice, he will always throw you a money. But I can't beg for food these days. His lordship walked so fast that he could not catch up with them. You can't stay by the gate of those people. There were many beggars in the streets, Magnesium Oxide MgO ,Magnesium Oxide powder, and because there were so many, they were afraid that they would not be able to send a lot of money, so they did not send them at all. Although I don't have money and it's cold in winter, I don't understand why I survived. I want to live, and I don't understand why I want to live. Yesterday I went to a place and picked up a newspaper. There was an article on it, which said it was for our poor friends. I read it. When we see it, we know that we can die when we can't live. I'll do it the way he did it, and now I think I've robbed you, and you can kill me. Mr. Nuoxi is in a dilemma. He said, "So you're going to die?" Say, "Yes, please kill me, I really can't live.". The book says very well that your foreign master is also very willing to help the Chinese people to kill the poor in China. I think your husband must be able to do this, so I'm here to rob you. "Then you didn't rob me!" The book also says that you don't have to rob something. Or you can kill me as a Communist. "I'm sorry I forgot to bring my knife." "Then in that article it was said that it was not necessarily a knife, but that you, a foreign gentleman, had a gun!"! Excuse me, this little thing, do me a favor, like building roads and bridges, the Bodhisattva will bless you. The article says that Englishmen are especially willing to do this duty. Isn't your husband an Englishman? Mr. Nuoxi was very embarrassed. He remember a swear in that guidebook and swore that he was just a rabbit belonging to a small town in Scotland, but not an English gentleman. Both men were rubbing their hands at the fact that the matter could not be settled. Miss Alice was a little better. She remembered that there were two bags of chocolate in her little velvet jacket. When she saw the two people, she quickly said, "Well, here's some sugar. Please eat it for this gentleman to satisfy his hunger. We'll discuss it later." This was one way, and soon the two packets of chocolate were nibbled into fine powder under the white teeth of the sharp-faced man and swallowed into his stomach with saliva. Mr. Nuoxi watched the man eating candy and tried to run away, but he couldn't. He wanted to kill the man seriously, and he really didn't have a knife or a gun around. Think-can't think. But he remembered the newspaper beside the man, and he said, "Since you want to die in the way the article says, come and show me the article.". The man thought for a moment and found something like a newspaper of coal in the rags on the flank. With his sallow hands shaking, he unfolded the thing and showed it to Mr. Nuoxi. Does your husband recognize this? "I recognize this." So he took it and looked. This is a random sample of the text. Every essay, Mr. Nuoxi understands that this topic may be very romantic and unrealistic. In that paragraph, the title in front of it reads: Discussion on a Convenient Solution for All the Poor Friends in China is signed: An Honest Civilian Who Starves. The following is the content. On the second day of the first lunar month, I was hungry all day. This is simply a ridiculous thing to say. Because I don't deserve to be hungry right now! However, people are really hungry. Why starve? No rice,Magnesium Sulphate producer, no oil, no money, just so hungry.

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