Application of uav jammer countermeasure equipment

Ngày đăng: 11/9/2022 10:16:42 AM - Dịch vụ việc làm - Toàn Quốc - 47
Chi tiết [Mã tin: 4249085] - Cập nhật: 4 phút trước

In recent years, science and technology have made a qualitative leap, especially in the development of the UAV industry, which has the prospect of many beneficial applications. The high quality and low price have made the sales of drones increase wildly, but they are also used more and more maliciously. They can carry cameras, weapons, toxic chemicals and explosives, and even interfere with aviation security, sneak photos of nuclear power, sneak photos of prisons, Forcing the suspension of illegal activities such as subways and committing various "crimes". The use of UAVs seriously affects the normal operation of the society, and certain measures must be taken to stop them, so the application of UAV countermeasures is born.

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The drone jammer countermeasure device releases radio signals on the same frequency as the UAV when it is working, and cuts off the connection between the UAV and the operator by interfering, cutting off or suppressing the GPS signal and Beidou decoy. The drone is in the state of hovering, returning, escaping or falling, to achieve the strike against the drone, which has achieved a purpose of blocking the drone from flying into the no-fly zone. UAV countermeasure equipment is mainly used for anti-terrorism, information battlefield, troop station, and can also be used for the security of important equipment and facilities such as oil, nuclear power, airports, government buildings, conference venues, confidential occasions, etc., preventing other personnel from using unmanned aerial vehicles. A series of illegal acts such as drones taking candid photos and drones dropping bombs.

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