Borescope camera 1080p hd – camera with waterproof handle

Ngày đăng: 4/20/2021 4:33:43 PM - Máy ảnh, máy quay - TP HCM - 92
Chi tiết [Mã tin: 3253515] - Cập nhật: 15 phút trước

Borescope Camera 1080P HD is Digital Industrial 4.3inch LCD Borescope High-definition 1080P Display Screen Videoscope Hand-held Endoscopes with CMOS Sensor Semi-Rigid Inspection Camera Handheld

Description of Borescope Camera 1080P HD:

  • In this device, you can freely take pictures, record videos and especially you can record to annotate documents simply, saving you time.
  • Helps the process of archiving, checking old records, … more convenient and we can observe the analysis
  • We can customize the brightness suitable for inspection or maintenance, with the brightness of 6 LEDs that can assist in poorly lit areas so that we can clearly see around objects.
  • IP68 waterproof camera head standard, USB cable with USB connector can connect to other computers for the easiest data transmission out.
  • Because of its water resistance, the machine can be used in different environments


Address: HCM: 5th Floor, 178/8 Nguyen Van Thuong, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City;

HN: No. 202, Building Y2, Area HH04, Viet Hung Urban Area, Giang Bien Ward, Long Bien District, Hanoi City

Phone: [HCM] +84 (28) 3911-2006 [HN] +84 (24) 3200-3790

Fax: +84 (28) 3911-2007






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