Decoding success: how aws and c01 training paves the way for cloud excellence

Ngày đăng: 3/6/2024 7:21:29 PM - Mua bán nhà đất - Toàn Quốc - 79
Chi tiết [Mã tin: 5186758] - Cập nhật: 8 phút trước

This aws ans c01 foundational certification focuses on four domains: 1. Cloud Concepts (28%) This domain assesses your understanding of the fundamental concepts of cloud computing. It covers topics such as the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing, cloud deployment models, and cloud service models. By mastering these concepts, you gain the knowledge needed to articulate the benefits of cloud computing to stakeholders and make informed decisions about cloud adoption.

Security and Compliance (24%) Security is a top priority in cloud computing, and this domain evaluates your knowledge of AWS security best practices. Topics include identity and access management, ans c01 data encryption, and compliance. As organizations increasingly move sensitive data to the cloud, having a solid understanding of security measures positions you as a trusted advisor in ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of data. 3. Technology (36%) The technology domain delves into the practical aspects of AWS services and their use cases.

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