How to write a dissertation quickly -

Ngày đăng: 1/26/2023 2:49:28 PM - Ứng viên tìm việc - Toàn Quốc - 146
Chi tiết [Mã tin: 4400156] - Cập nhật: 30 phút trước

The experience of most researchers shows that it is possible to write a dissertation in a fairly short period of time, but to do this it is worth remembering the following:

  • The author must be interested in the research topic. It is possible to write on an uninteresting topic, but it will not work quickly;
  • sufficient availability of primary sources that the applicant will need. It makes no sense to choose a field for which you will have to move around a lot, including across the country;
  • the style reflects the graduate student's level of intelligence: it is understandable both from a scientific point of view and for the average person. Complicated verbal constructions will only slow down the progress of the work;
  • the methods chosen are accessible, both physically, materially, and temporally.
  • Read the book, How to Write a Dissertation
  • The recommendations above were formulated by Umberto Eco in his book, How to Write a Thesis. The publication is quite versatile and will help both experienced researchers and novices preparing to work on their first diploma. The book is interesting with real and accessible examples and a large theoretical part.

Umberto proposes the active use of special thematic cards, which will be able to connect disparate chapters into a coherent whole and will greatly enrich the text itself.

The only conditional disadvantage of Eco's method is the time limit of 6 months. If the applicant does not have such a period of time, then the motivation must be sought in something else.

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Dissertation Summary Rules – tips by domyhomework1

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