Is oat milk becoming more popular latin america?

Ngày đăng: 6/4/2024 4:25:33 PM - Tổng hợp - Toàn Quốc - 38
Chi tiết [Mã tin: 5349624] - Cập nhật: 8 phút trước

An emerging oat milk market

Here is one way I could rewrite those paragraphs:

José Sojo, owner of Café Delirante in Bariloche, Argentina, says oat milk was unavailable commercially just three years ago. Hardly anyone had heard of it, so it wasn’t popular. Now oat milk comprises 10% of their drinks, helped by initially offering it at no extra cost to drive demand.

Pedro Lisboa, Head of Coffee Relations at Brazilian oat milk brand Nude, notes slower plant milk growth in Latin America versus 20%+ market share in the US. While soy milk led in Argentina, Brazil’s cashew milk market is substantial given domestic production. Plant milk variety is still limited outside major cities, with sparse supermarket shelf space.

In summary, oat milk’s availability and popularity have expanded rapidly in recent years across parts of Latin America, but market penetration lags behind the US. Soy and cashew milk have resonated in Argentina and Brazil specifically, but most consumers still have minimal exposure beyond big cities. More innovation in product offerings and retail distribution is needed to drive mass adoption of plant milks.

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