Is oat milk becoming popular latin america?

Ngày đăng: 6/4/2024 9:54:55 PM - Lĩnh vực khác - Toàn Quốc - 11
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Chi tiết [Mã tin: 5349951] - Cập nhật: 56 phút trước

Oat milk becoming more popular latin america: Oat milk has risen to prominence as the most popular plant-based milk globally. It’s a staple in North America and Europe, stocked in cafes and coffee shops everywhere.

It remains to be seen whether oat milk consumption will reach the same levels as more mature plant milk markets. This growth could impact Latin America’s specialty coffee sector. To learn more, I spoke with three regional coffee professionals and a journalist.


Here is one way I could rewrite that paragraph:

It’s easy to forget cow’s milk consumption is a relatively recent phenomenon globally. Just centuries ago, dairy milk was scarce in many regions where costs of cattle and equipment were prohibitively expensive for farmers and workers.

Demand for cow’s milk in North America and Europe far outpaced Latin America historically. But once pasteurization, transport, preservation, and refrigeration technologies advanced in Latin America, the dairy market boomed, fueled by government-backed campaigns and policies. The region’s dairy industry grew to play a huge economic role, mirroring the US and parts of Europe.

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