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Ngày đăng: 9/2/2020 6:28:03 PM - Mua bán nhà đất - Đà Nẵng - 1314
Chi tiết [Mã tin: 3060450] - Cập nhật: 54 phút trước

However, we intended our results to be referable with results from other authors. An indisputable strength of our study is the double-checking of achievement of a Ok Wow Keto ketosis state in our participants via βhB blood concentration and urine ketone level. Compliance with the study protocol in regard to diet and training was also evaluated during face-to-face meetings with study dietitians and CrossFit coaches at clubs as well as via e-mail and phone consultations. Finally, in our study, the effect of the KD was assessed only with regard to the incremental cycling test.

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