Seo service vietnam | professional local seo | ondigitals

Ngày đăng: 11/30/2022 6:37:03 PM - Quảng Bá, Quảng Cáo - Toàn Quốc - 51
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What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a practice of acquiring organic, or un-paid, traffic from organic search engine results.

SEO services involve making certain alterations to the design, technical and content aspects of your website.

Good SEO strategies produce a more attractive website to search engines.

The ultimate outcome is for search engines to display your site as a top result on the search engine results page.

How important is local SEO in 2022?

In one word, “extremely”. According to Hubspot, “local SEO is no longer important” is one of 20 SEO myths that need to be left behind in 2020. With 80% of consumers using search engines to find local information before making a purchase, local SEO may make or break your day.

There are several ways to improve your local SEO, including creating relevant local content, optimizing internal linking structure, ensuring your page’s mobile friendliness, boosting social media engagement, and more. With in-depth research and local insights taking a pivotal role in the success of local SEO, On Digitals prides itself as your valuable partner.

What tasks does an SEO service in Vietnam involve?

SEO involves on-page, off-page, technical web adjustments, and a lot of market research, of course.

On-page is making changes on the webpage. It involves compelling content creation and keyword placement. We write blogs and pages that attract readers. In order to write informative and popular content, we need to do research.

Off-page is making changes off the webpage. It involves link-building and guest posting.

Technical SEO involves a lot of coding and changes to your current website. Of the greatest importance is your site speed. According to Google, site speed is a significant ranking factor.

Therefore, it is no doubt that your website plays a very important role. Visually stunning websites, which provide a good user experience, also yield better conversion rates.

You can check your ranking at Google Pagespeed Insight. If your website is considered fast by Google, then you are likely to rank on Google.

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