Setra việt nam

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Máy đếm hạt Setra có thể đo nhiều kích thước và cấu hình hạt khác nhau để đáp ứng nhu cầu cụ thể của bạn. Chúng tôi cung cấp các mẫu cầm tay để thử nghiệm khi đang di chuyển, cũng như các tùy chọn để bàn và di động để giám sát toàn diện hơn. Tất cả các máy đếm hạt của chúng tôi đều dễ sử dụng và đi kèm phần mềm trực quan cho phép bạn phân tích dữ liệu nhanh chóng và hiệu quả.Setra Việt Nam

Đại lý Việt Nam - Công Ty TNHH TM KT Hưng Gia Phát

Setra Viet Nam Distributor / Hotline : 0938 906 663 / Email :

Setra HGP Viet Nam

Humidity/Temperature Sensors

Temperature & Humidity Sensor Solutions

Outdoor Air Mount R/H Humidity Sensor


Setra's SRH outdoor humidity sensor offers optional active temperature with choice of 4 to 20 mA or user-selectable 0 to 5 or 0 to 10 VDC output.

Duct Mount R/H Humidity Sensor


Setra’s SRH low profile wall mount humidity sensor offers both relative humidity and temperature sensing with multiple options for accuracy, temperature and outputs.

Đại lý Setra Việt Nam

SRH 200 Humidity/Temp Sensor


Specially designed for HVAC, the SRH200 sensor by Setra is a cost effective, highly accurate and reliable solution for measuring relative air humidity and temperature.

Wall Mount R/H Humidity Sensor


Setra’s SRH low profile wall mount humidity sensor offers both relative humidity and temperature sensing with multiple options for accuracy, temperature and outputs.

SPC5000 Particle Counter


Detects particle sizes from 0.3um to 25 um with a 0.1 CFM flow rate. Continuous remote monitoring, available in benchtop or wall mount options with user friendly touchscreen.

SPC7000 Particle Counter


Detects particle sizes from 0.3um to 25 um with a 0.1 CFM flow rate. Continuous remote monitoring in a benchtop device with battery operation capability with user friendly touchscreen.

SPC8000 Handheld Particle Counter

SPC8000 Image - 800px - for WEB

Portable handheld device that detects particle sizes from 0.3um to 25um with a 0.1 CFM flow rate.

Đại lý Setra Việt Nam

SPC3510 Particle Counter


Higher flow rate device that detects particle sizes 0.5um to 25 um at 1.0 CFM. Connects to external vacuum source and integrates into facility monitoring systems.

AQM5000 Air Quality Monitor


Can remotely measure 0.3 μm to 25 μm particles with mass concentration and stores indoor air quality measurements of temperature, relative humidity, CO2, and TVOC. Comes with color touch screen display.

AQM7000 Air Quality Monitor


Can remotely measure 0.3 μm to 25 μm particles with mass concentration and indoor air quality with temperature, relative humidity, CO2, and TVOC. Comes with long battery and patented sleep mode.

SPC3X01P Particle Counter

Setra Việt Nam


Detects particle sizes from 0.3um to 25um with a 0.1 CFM flow rate utilizing internal vacuum pump. Continuous remote monitoring that integrates into facility monitoring systems.

SPC3X01 Particle Counter


Detects particle sizes from 0.3um to 25um with a 0.1 CFM flow rate. Connects to external vacuum source and integrates into facility monitoring systems for continuous monitoring.

Patrol Flex Rogowski Coil


Offered in 12”, 24” and 36” lengths, the Patrol Flex is the most accurate Rogowski Coil in submetering.

Split-Core Current Transformer (CT)


Setra’s Split-Core current transformers provide a high accuracy current measurement over a wide dynamic sensing range for power metering applications.

Model CCM Mini Current Switch


The Mini Current Switch (Model CCM) is the industry’s smallest split core current switch. It features an integrated mounting flange with DIN-rail capability.

Setra Việt Nam

Model CSC Split-Core Current Switch


The split core design of the Model CSC can easily be clamped onto existing power cables or wires.

Model CSS Solid-Core Current Switch


The CSS models are ideal for new installations and provide the greatest savings opportunity.

Model CTC Split-Core Current Transducers


CTC Series Split Core Current Transducers combine accurate magnetic current sensing with signal conditioning electronics.

Sure-Set™ - Model SSC

MRG Series Differential Pressure Sensors


The Setra MRG is the ideal product for any contractor, combining the flexibility of a multi-range with the performance of a single range transducer.

MRC Series Differential Pressure Sensors


Setra’s Model MRC multi-range low differential pressure transducer uses a dead-ended capacitive sensing element that requires minimal amplification and delivers excellent accuracy and longterm stability.

MR1 Series Differential Pressure Sensors


The Setra MR1 is the ideal product for any contractor, combining the flexibility of a multi-range with the performance of a single range sensor.

MR2 Series Differential Pressure Sensors


The Setra MR2 is the ideal product for any contractor, combining the flexibility of a multi-range with the performance of a single range sensor.

Model 230 Wet-to-Wet Differential Pressure Transducer

Model 230

The Model 230 is Setra's highest accuracy solution for monitoring differential pressure in wet-to-wet applications. Its single diaphragm design enables a true wet-to-wet diff

Cảm biến độ ẩm/nhiệt độ Setra, Máy đếm hạt Setra, Máy giám sát chất lượng không khí Setra, Cuộn dây Setra , Công tắc dòng điện Setra , Bộ chuyển đổi dòng điện Setra , Cảm biến áp suất vi sai Setra

Liên hệ : Công ty TNHH TM KT Hưng Gia Phát để được hỗ trợ giá và thời gian giao hàng nhanh nhất.

Setra Việt Nam / Hotline : 0938 906 663

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