The cacao industry's balancing act: ccn-51 and the importance of diversity

Ngày đăng: 10/15/2024 4:55:29 PM - Thực phẩm, đồ uống - Toàn Quốc - 14
Chi tiết [Mã tin: 5610523] - Cập nhật: 14 phút trước

While CCN-51 has helped stabilize the cacao industry with its high yields and disease resistance, its dominance raises concerns about the long-term impacts on genetic diversity and flavor. Over-reliance on a single variety leaves the industry vulnerable to future diseases and climate change. Preserving heirloom cacao varieties and their unique flavors is crucial for building a more resilient and sustainable cacao industry. Embracing diverse cultivation methods, such as agroforestry, can further enhance biodiversity and provide farmers with alternative income sources, mitigating potential risks.

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