Too much convenience at extremely reasonable price at monachy

Ngày đăng: 4/1/2023 8:36:41 AM - Chung cư bán hoặc cho thuê - Toàn Quốc - 43
Chi tiết [Mã tin: 4552218] - Cập nhật: 18 phút trước


With 2 bedrooms, the apartment will be suitable for young families or single people who need private space and comfort. The bedrooms are spaciously designed, with windows to receive natural light and airy space. Accompanied by high-class furniture, creating a luxurious space for the apartment.

The location of the apartment is also a big plus. With a balcony overlooking the Han River, apartment owners can enjoy the quiet, airy and beautiful space of the Han River. At the same time, this location is also very convenient for moving to tourist, commercial and entertainment places in the city.

The apartment also has full facilities in the building such as swimming pool, gym, children's play area, multi-purpose playground and rooftop garden. Apartment owners can enjoy a comfortable, complete and safe life at the building.

In short, a 2-bedroom luxury apartment with a balcony overlooking the Han River in Da Nang is a great choice for those who want to enjoy a modern, luxurious and comfortable urban life. With a prime location, open space and full facilities in the building, this apartment will be an indispensable choice for those who want a high-class apartment in Da Nang.

Price: 2tyXXX Full furniture, no furniture

2 bedrooms: no furniture 8-9 million/month

2 bedrooms: full furniture from 11-13 million/month

3 bedrooms: full furniture from 17-22 million/month

Address 535 Tran Hung Dao, Son Tra District, Da Nang City

☎️ Hotline: 0968. 825 068 (Mr. Quang - Project specialist)

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