How does the uav jammer countermeasure system counteract "black flying"?

Ngày đăng: 11/18/2022 10:24:03 AM - Xuất khẩu lao động - Toàn Quốc - 31
Chi tiết [Mã tin: 4273487] - Cập nhật: 27 phút trước

In recent years, civilian drones have gained momentum, and now they have penetrated into applications in all walks of life and can be seen everywhere. When drones help us in our daily life, it is inevitable to worry about the risks and safety hazards brought by some unlicensed drones and unlicensed "black flying". What are the means to counteract the "black flight" and potentially dangerous behavior of drones? There may be many methods, but the UAV jammer countermeasure system is definitely the most widely used and popular one.

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The UAV jammer countermeasure system, which integrates the use of sound, light, electricity and other detection technologies, and relies on high-tech technologies such as big data processing, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and machine learning to create a low-altitude defense that combines far and near The jamming system can effectively detect, track, identify and control low-altitude UAVs. This mainly involves technical means such as radio monitoring and positioning, image recognition and tracking, signal suppression and drive away. As a complex overall system, the drone jammer countermeasure system involves many types and a large number of industrial applications. Various types of detection sensors at the front end, and the collected tracking and identification signals need to be sent back to the management platform at the back end, where a large number of signal connectors will be used. At the same time, the back-end management platform also needs a signal connector to conduct the interference countermeasure prevention and control instructions issued by the interference countermeasure equipment. In addition, multiple devices and multiple links of the entire system require power support, and power connectors are used at this time.

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